One of the biggest questions companies ask us is how to optimize or make the most out of their supply chain and logistics management. Proper optimization can allow companies the tools and opportunities to success and grow their business to new levels. When it comes to maximizing your supply chain, there’s a lot to consider, such as balancing costs for inventory at all points of the supply chain including warehousing, shipping and the final location.
Tip #1- Examine Your Logistics
Is everything being moved in a timely and efficient manner? If your raw materials fail to arrive on schedule, you’ll likely be left unable to manufacture your refined goods in time to fulfill orders, potentially forcing customers to go to a competitor. Research shows that poor planning can result in increased fees for expedited and overnight shipping. With robust demand planning and lead time management, you could reduce the amount of money you spend to expedite the shipping. By planning ahead it can help you reduce expensive air freight shipments, containing materials or products from low-cost suppliers overseas.
Tip #2 Customer Demand Planning
Your clients are your strongest asset, which makes developing a strong relationship with them absolutely vital. By better understanding their needs, you’ll be able to know when they will need increased product or order fulfillment. In many industries, they may place long term or blanket orders. Effective demand planning can aid in minimizing expedited fees and other logistical costs that drive up the cost of performing your day-to-day business in your supply chain.
Tip #3 Call SmartWay Transportation
The benefit of working with a third-party logistics team like SmartWay Transportation is that while you focus on different aspects like marketing or new products, we’ll focus on optimizing your supply chain. We leverage our relationships with carriers to acquire lower rates that allow our customers to grow their businesses.
We care tremendously about the work we do at SmartWay. Our knowledgeable team works hard to make every interaction beneficial for all parties involved. The various members of the team have the know-how to optimize your individual supply chain to maximize your returns. To receive a quote for any of your shipping needs or learn how we can help to optimize your supply chain, we encourage you to visit our website and fill out one of our quick quote forms.